Summer Reading for Middle & High School Students

Dear Students and Parents, The Houston County School District recognizes that summer is a busy and exciting time. We wish you a safe and enjoyable summer, and we would like to encourage students to make reading part of the fun. This year we are introducing a new approach to summer reading that combines our commitment to life-long learning and the latest research in the field of adolescent literacy. This research supports the idea that when students have a choice in their reading selections they are much more likely to read the material and to gain a deeper appreciation for literature. To this end, we are providing a list of popular websites from local, state, and national professional organizations to use as resources when choosing reading selections. We encourage you as parents to assist your student in the selection of reading material that is appropriate for their age, reading ability, interests, and maturity level. When helping your student select a book to read, keep several things in mind: What interests your child? Do they prefer non-fiction, fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, etc.? Is there a particular author they enjoy reading? What is their reading ability or level? The texts suggested by these organizations vary in content, theme, and language use. Please preview your student’s selection to ensure that you are comfortable with the contents. We hope you have a wonderful summer. Happy reading! Dr. Amy Fouse |