Congratulations to all of our 2021-2022 Houston County School District retirees listed below!
Click HERE to view the 2021-2022 Retirement Banquet Program!
Elizabeth Alexander, Warner Robins High School
Georgia Allen, Bonaire Middle School
Peggy Allen, Northside Middle School*
Debra Anderson, Perry High School*
Cameron Andrews, Warner Robins Middle School*
Tamra Andrews, Lake Joy Primary*
Catherine Arnold, Feagin Mill Middle
Ruth Bennett, Hilltop Elementary School*
Nancy Bernard, Transportation Department*
Katherine Boudreaux, Houston County High School*
Ruthann Bowden, Centerville Elementary*
Melanie Bratcher, Huntington Middle School*
Karen Bryant, Miller Elementary School*
Rose Campbell, Lake Joy Elementary School*
Sandy Cauley, Bonaire Middle School*
John Clark, Maintenance Department*
Lisa Collins, Matt Arthur Elementary School
Jimmie Collins, Transportation Department
Cheryl Coody, Thomson Middle School
Teresa Dalton, Parkwood Elementary School*
Stacy Daly, Matt Arthur Elementary School*
Angela Davis, Houston County Win Academy
Michaela Dunmon, Lake Joy Primary School*
Norma Sue Dykes, David Perdue Elementary School
Marcus Estes, Northside High School*
Sylvia Eubanks, Warner Robins High School
Kimberly Farinelli, Houston County Win Academy
Dianne Fleck, Bonaire Middle School
Tamba Fuller, David Perdue Primary School
Jacqueline Garner, Langston Road Elementary
Susan Gentry, Teaching & Learning Department*
Nancy Gillies, David Perdue Primary*
Diane Gore, Warner Robins High School*
Phylliss Grane, Thomson Middle School*
Patricia Griffeth, Warner Robins High School
Tracie Hamrick, Mossy Creek Middle School
Terri Hammerle, Houston County High School
Brett Hardy, Veterans High School*
Webb Allen Hargrove, Transportation Department
Claudia Harrington, Pearl Stephens Elementary*
Shirley Harmon, Veterans High School*
Lynn Hawkins, Technology Department*
Kristi Hess, Perry Middle School
Evelyn Hester, Thomson Middle School
Lisa Hill, Bonaire Middle School*
Heidi Hines, David Perdue Elementary
Carrie Honican, Perry Middle School*
Keith Hood, Bonaire Middle School*
Lorinda Hultquist, Lake Joy Primary School*
Nathan Hunt, Bonaire Middle School
Gay Iannuzzi, Bonaire Primary School*
Paul Iannuzzi, Technology Department*
Beverly Jackson, Pearl Stephens Elementary
Vera Jackson, Quail Run Elementary
Carla Jessup, Northside High School
Dennis Jolissaint, Northside High School*
Karen Jones, Morningside Elementary School*
Kacy Jones, Warner Robins Middle School
Ricky Jones, Warner Robins Middle School
Debbie Keene, Warner Robins Middle School*
Dorothy Lane, Parkwood Elementary School*
Sharon Lewis, Huntington Middle School*
Mary Liberty, David Perdue Elementary School*
Cheryl Manns, Thomson Middle School*
Maureen Martin, Houston County High School
John Masters, Northside High School*
Juliet McCoy, Bonaire Middle School*
Christina McDonald, David Perdue Elementary
Janet McGuire, C.B. Watson Primary*
Miranda Mercer, Huntington Middle School
Jenny Millward, Student Service Department*
Tamala Morrow, Kings Chapel Elementary School*
Rebekah Colson Mullis, Warner Robins High School*
Philip Oakley, Northside High School
Charles Odum, Transportation Department*
Sonya Olson, Lake Joy Primary
Rosalia Pagala, Warner Robins High School*
April Pearson, Kings Chapel Elementary School*
Gregory Peavy, Parkwood Elementary
Paula Peavy, Feagin Mill Middle School
Cynthia Peeler, Warner Robins High School*
Khoeun Phin, C.B. Watson Primary*
Barbara Porter, Bonaire Middle School*
Deborah Powell, Warner Robins Middle School*
Dorothy Radcliff, Transportation Department*
Gloria Reichman, Warner Robins Middle School*
Karen Richardson, Northside Elementary*
Robert Robbins, Northside Middle School*
Gina Rowland, Eagle Springs Elementary School*
Christine Sampson, Northside High School*
Melinda Schroeder, Matt Arthur Elementary School*
Callie Scott, Huntington Middle School*
Christopher Shumway, Feagin Mill Middle
Toni Simmons, Quail Run Elementary School*
Brenda Simon, Tucker Elementary School*
Johnna Spires, Northside High School*
Jane Steverson, Tucker Elementary School
April Strevig, Lake Joy Primary School*
Jacqueline Styles, Houston County Win Academy*
William Switzer, Bonaire Primary School
Sharon Thompson, Warner Robins High School*
Stephen Thublin, Business & Finance Department*
Hillard Turner, Morningside Elementary*
Kenyon Turner, Veterans High School
Stephen Ulmer, Transportation Department
Edwin Vazquez, Veterans High School*
Robin Wade, Warner Robins High School*
Robin Walker, C. B. Watson Primary*
Ronnie Walker, Houston County Win Academy*
Carmen Washington, Perry Middle School*
Kim Waters, Kings Chapel Elementary School*
Sandra Waters, Shirley Hills Elementary*
Danielle Watt, Bonaire Primary School*
Celia Wells, Transportation Department*
Janicea Whitley, Houston County Career Academy
Sara Wilder, Transportation Department
Paula Williams, Bonaire Primary School*
Jeanette Wolfork, Houston County Win Academy*
Jimmy Womack, Transportation Department*
Lynn Wood, Lake Joy Elementary*
Leigh Woodyard, Centerville Elementary*
Shelby Wright, Warner Robins Middle School*
Carl Wright, Maintenance Department*
Steven Wroblewski, Huntington Middle School
Elizabeth Wynn, Morningside Elementary*
Ouhayla Yasin, Hilltop Elementary
James Yawn, Northside Middle School
Many thanks to our Premier Sponsors who support all districtwide events! We appreciate their continued support.