Universal Behavior Screening for Elementary Students

Q: What is the Student Risk Screening Scale-Internalizing and Externalizing?
The Student Risk Screening Scale-Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE) is a brief universal behavioral screening tool completed by teachers for students in grades Pk-5.  

This is a proactive way for teachers to identify behaviors in the classroom that may be obstacles to learning. The SRSS-IE is not a diagnostic tool. When completing the SRSS-IE, teachers are asked to rate the students on observable behaviors that are seen in the classroom setting. It is a brief 1-page screening tool, which teachers use to rate students on a 0-3 Likert Scale based on how often they display specific behaviors. This process takes less than 30 minutes to complete per class. The data that is discovered from the use of this tool will not be used to label students, but to drive District and school decisions around student supports and services.

The SRSS-IE is a tool that enables teachers to record classroom observations in a uniform and evidenced-based manner. The results will help our schools plan positive instructional experiences that will have lifelong benefits for our students.

Q: What behaviors does the SRSS-IE measure?
The SRSS-IE includes 7 items that measure externalizing behaviors and an additional 5 items that measure internalizing behaviors. These include the following:
Lie, cheat, sneak;
Behavior problem;
Peer rejection;
Low academic achievement;
Negative attitude;
Aggressive behavior
Emotionally flat;
Shy, withdrawn;
Sad, depressed;

Q: How were teachers trained to complete this tool?
Teachers attended an interactive training conducted by Georgia State University, in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Education. Our teachers screen (observe) behaviors in students every day. They are an integral part of their students' support system, and parents rely on teachers to create a safe and engaging environment. Part of creating that environment means that teachers serve as frontline observers in the world of socio-emotional and behavioral learning and development.

Q: How is the SRSS-IE data used?
The encrypted data is accessible to the current teacher, counselor, and school administration.  It is used to determine socio-emotional supports and services that may be needed by students.  The SRSS-IE is one piece of data that helps to drive education decisions.
Any student who appears to need additional support or services may be referred to student support personnel regardless of the results of the SRSS-IE.

Q: Why were teachers selected to complete this screener?
As trained professionals, teachers are uniquely qualified to observe student behavior and respond appropriately.  Assessment of student academic and behavioral progress, performance, and growth is a vital part of the teaching profession.

Q: Can I opt out of the SRSS-IE?
Yes.  Parents may opt out by returning the opt- out form to your students school by August 22, 2023.

Q: Where can I learn more?
Dr. Emily Graybill, universal screening expert from Georgia State University will be available to answer additional questions about the SRSS-IE during the following Zoom sessions: