Supporting the District

We are fortunate to live in a community that loves and supports pubic education! Sponsorship programs allow our District to recognize the work of our amazing teachers and support staff as they selflessly advance our mission of high achievement for all through continuous growth. We do this through events such as
- Opening Session
- Years of Service Awards
- Teacher Hall of Fame
- Retirement Banquet
- Other teacher and staff recognition opportunities
District Sponsorships are a great way to support your local school district while receiving maximum exposure for your business.
Sponsorship Packages
Premier Sponsor ($5,000 or greater)
- Signage displayed in the Houston County School District Board Room and at Opening Session, Retirement Banquet, Years of Service reception, and Teacher Hall of Fame ceremony
- Guaranteed exclusivity for your product category within the Premier Sponsor level
- Recognition at a Board of Education meeting in the Fall
- Dinner for four at Retirement Banquet in the Spring
- Invited to District Ribbon Cutting and Groundbreaking Events
- Recognized on District social media
- Included in Opening Session and Retirement Banquet news releases
- VIP at Opening Session
- Announced as a Premier sponsor at Opening Session, Retirement Banquet, Years of Service reception, Teacher Hall of Fame ceremony, and other events throughout the year
- Company logo shown on slides at Opening Session, Retirement Banquet, Years of Service reception, and Teacher Hall of Fame ceremony
- Company name listed in Opening Session, Retirement Banquet, Years of Service reception, and Teacher Hall of Fame ceremony programs
- Company logo displayed on Opening Session, Retirement Banquet, Years of Service reception, and Teacher Hall of Fame ceremony webpages
Signature Sponsor ($3,500 to $4,999)
- Dinner for two at Retirement Banquet in the Spring
- Invited to District Ribbon Cutting and Groundbreaking Events
- Recognized on District social media
- Included in Opening Session and Retirement Banquet news releases
- VIP at Opening Session
- Announced as a Signature Sponsor at Opening Session and Retirement Banquet
- Company logo shown on slides at Opening Session and Retirement Banquet
- Company name listed in Opening Session and Retirement Banquet programs
- Company logo displayed on Opening Session and Retirement Banquet webpage
Gold Sponsor ($1,500 to $3,499)
- Recognized on District social media
- Included in Opening Session news release
- VIP at Opening Session
- Announced as a Gold Sponsor at Opening Session
- Company logo shown on slides at Opening Session
- Company name listed in Opening Session program
- Company logo displayed on Opening Session webpage
Silver Sponsor ($1,000 to $1,499)
- VIP at Opening Session
- Announced as a Silver Sponsor at Opening Session
- Company logo shown on slides at Opening Session
- Company name listed on Opening Session program
- Company logo displayed on Opening Session webpage
Bronze Sponsor ($500 to $999)
- Announced as a Bronze Sponsor at Opening Session
- Company logo shown on slides at Opening Session
- Company name listed on Opening Session program
- Company logo displayed on Opening Session webpage