2023-2024 Houston County Teachers of the Year

District Teacher of the Year: Jessica Hawk
Mrs. Jessica Hawk of Bonaire Primary School is the 2023-2024 Houston County Teacher of the Year.
Mrs. Hawk has been teaching for 21 years. She serves as an Early Intervention Teacher and has been in this position for four years. Mrs. Hawk has also graduated from the Houston County School District’s Teacher Leadership Academy.
Mrs. Hawk said, "Be strong and take action! I am someone who steps into each day and chooses to be the best. I am confident in the positive difference I make as an educator, and I know the lasting impact that I have on the lives of others.”
2023-2024 Teachers of the Year
Top Four Finalists
Carley Cain - Matt Arthur Elementary School
Emilee Coody - Bonaire Elementary School
Lindsey Jenkins - Morningside Elementary School
Dr. Regina Littlejohn - Westside Elementary School
Bonaire Elementary - Emilee Coody, Top 10
Bonaire Middle - Marla Hutchens
Bonaire Primary - Jessica Hawk, District Teacher of the Year
C.B. Watson Primary - Amanda Crowder
Centerville Elementary - Stacy Coleman, Top 10
David Perdue Elementary - Bradley Weaver
David Perdue Primary - Mackenzie Harrelson
Eagle Springs Elementary - Pam Lashley
Feagin Mill Middle - Andre Barnwell
Hilltop Elementary - Christa Franz, Top 10
Houston College & Career Academy - Suni Wilson
Houston County High - Jennifer McDaniel
Houston County WIN Academy - Leon Williams
Huntington Middle - Brandi Lofland
Kings Chapel Elementary - Rebecca Matthews
Lake Joy Elementary - Caitlin Meador
Lake Joy Primary - Laverne McGhee, Top 10
Langston Road Elementary - Rachel Floyd
Matt Arthur Elementary - Carley Cain, Top 10
Miller Elementary - LaGina Bennett
Morningside Elementary - Lindsey Jenkins, Top 10
Mossy Creek Middle - Lindsey Scott, Top 10
Northside Elementary - LaTonya Maynard
Northside High - Frances Clay
Northside Middle - Shameka Watts
Parkwood Elementary - Tracy Walker-Brown
Pearl Stephens Elementary - Nicole Harrell
Perry High - Tony Whitten
Perry Middle - Jennifer Dykes
Quail Run Elementary - Jan DeVoursney
Russell Elementary - Janet Leathers
Shirley Hills Elementary - Charlene Steeh, Top 10
Thomson Middle - Amanda Coggins
Tucker Elementary - Erin Locke
Veterans High - David Shepherd
Warner Robins High - Alfreda Munford
Warner Robins Middle - Karen Hammock
Westside Elementary - Regina Littlejohn, Top 10